Book 2 Now Released!
The Research Tours: The Impacts of Orthographic Disadvantage is now available at at all major online book stores. Get your copy today!
The High Cost of Orthographic Disadvantage
Download the free poster version of the video!
The Aussie Reading Woes trilogy
By Dr Susan Galletly
Each is a separate read, not dependent on its partners. You might read one, two or all of them, in no set reading order.
Australia’s education struggles are complex and multifaceted with many underlying issues. In having been so difficult to resolve, they remain a major challenge.
It’s time now to reflect on 10 Change issues – key factors that have been somewhat overlooked, but which quite likely perpetuate our struggles and render would-be effective solutions less so.
The 10 Changes reveal key problems plus provide needed solutions.
Australia, it’s time to start discussing the 10 Changes!
We've Bunyips in our Classrooms
While an elephant in the room is incredibly obvious, a bunyip in the room hasn’t been noticed. Once pointed out, however, it’s blatantly obvious and clearly an important issue – it’s well worth squirming about, as it feels both absurd and embarrassing that it could have been overlooked for so long.
We’ve far too many bunyips in our Aussie classrooms.
The future is bright. Let’s move there.